
Les’ Copaque Menang International Islamic Leadership Forum & Awards 2019

By 19th September 2019 No Comments

Alhamdulillah, usaha Les’ Copaque Production di dalam menghasilkan animasi bertaraf global dan mengekalkan identiti Malaysia baru-baru ini menerima satu lagi pengiktirafan dari International Islamic Leadership Forum & Awards 2019 yang dianjurkan oleh Asia Pacific Business Council dan majalah IKON Malaysia. Anugerah ini dimenangi di atas kejayaan Les’ Copaque Production menghasilkan animasi yang berkualiti dan menyerapkan unsur-unsur keislaman sebagai elemen pengajaran di dalam siri animasi Upin & Ipin. Dianugerahkan sebagai Excellence in Content Animation, Les’ Copaque Production melalui watak Upin & Ipin kini dikenali bukan sahaja di rantau asia tenggara malahan juga di seluruh dunia termasuklah Amerika Syarikat, Jepun, China, India dan banyak lagi.

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua peminat animasi terbitan Les’ Copaque Production yang menyokong selama ini. Diam tak diam dah 13 tahun Les’ Copaque Production memartabatkan animasi Malaysia ke mata dunia dan insyaAllah usaha ini akan diteruskan bagi dan meletakkan animasi terbitan Les’ Copaque Production di mata dunia.


Alhamdulillah, Les’ Copaque Production’s efforts in producing global-level animation while still preserving Malaysia’s identity recently received another recognition from the International Islamic Leadership Forum & Awards 2019 organized by Asia Pacific Business Council and IKON Malaysia magazine. The award was won due to the success of Les’ Copaque Production producing high-quality animation and incorporating educational Islamic elements in the Upin & Ipin series. Awarded in Excellence in Content Animation, Les’ Copaque Production’s icon Upin and Ipin are now widely recognised not only in the Southeast Asian region, but also around the world including the United States, Japan, China, India, and more.

Thank you to all fans of Les’ Copaque Production animation. It’s been 13 years since Les’ Copaque Production elevated Malaysian animation to the eyes of the world and insyaAllah, Les’ Copaque Production will continue on their efforts in producing more quality animation for the world.

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Author Si Polan

Seorang penulis misteri di Les' Copaque Production.

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